RiverFront Asset Allocation Growth & Income

RiverFront Asset Allocation Growth & Income

As of


NAV Change

Net Assets

Trailing Twelve Month Yield


   Investment Objective

The RiverFront Asset Allocation Growth & Income seeks to achieve long-term growth and income.


The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in, and adjusting allocations to, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that, under normal market conditions, are expected to consist of ETFs sub-advised by RiverFront, as well as unaffiliated ETFs. The Fund also seeks a target asset allocation of 60% to equities and 40% to fixed-income securities.

Fund Details

Fund Type

Mutual Fund
Distribution Frequency

Primary Benchmark

Morningstar Global Markets Index
Ticker CUSIP ISIN Net Assets as of Inception Date
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Performance and Fees


As of

Total Returns
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As of

Total Returns
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As of

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Performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The investment return and principal value will fluctuate. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance quoted. For current month-end performance call 1-866-759-5679 or visit www.alpsfunds.com. Performance includes reinvested distributions and capital gains.

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) performance for Class A shares includes the Fund’s maximum sales charge of 5.50%.

Contingent Deferred Sales Charge (CDSC) performance for Class C shares includes a 1% CDSC on shares redeemed within 12-months of purchase. Performance shown at Net Asset Value (NAV) does not include these sales charges and would have been lower had it been taken into account.

Effective 06/12/2018, Class A shares of the Fund were added as a new available class. Performance for Class A shares prior to 06/12/2018 reflects the historical performance of the Fund’s Investor Class shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class A shares.

Fund inception date: 08/02/2010

Morningstar Global Markets Index: measures the performance of the stocks located in the developed and emerging countries across the world. Stocks in the index are weighted by their float capital, which removes corporate cross ownership, government holdings and other locked-in shares.

Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index: a broad-based benchmark that measures the investment grade, US dollar-denominated, fixed-rate taxable bond market. The index includes Treasuries, government-related and corporate securities, fixed-rate agency MBS, ABS and CMBS (agency and non-agency). 

One may not invest directly in an index.

$10,000 Hypothetical Investment

The chart above represents the total return historical performance of a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in the Fund over the life of the Fund. Performance calculations are as of the end of each month. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. This chart does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares.


As of

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* Fee imposed on purchases.
** A percentage of the lower of original purchase price or redemption proceeds.

Facts and Characteristics

Fund Pricing

As of

NAV NAV Change
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Fund Yields

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Trailing Twelve Month Yield: refers to the percentage of income a portfolio has returned to investors over the last 12 months.

30-Day SEC Yield: reflects the dividends and interest earned during the period, after the deduction of the Fund's expenses.

30-Day SEC Yield (Unsubsidized): reflects the dividends and interest earned during the period, after the deduction of the Fund’s expenses, excluding fee waivers.

Risk Metrics

For the 3 years ending

Standard Deviation
Sharpe Ratio
Sortino Ratio
Fund vs Index1 Fund vs Index2
Tracking Error
Upside Capture
Downside Capture
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Sector Breakdown

As of

Geography Breakdown

As of

Fund Holdings

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Fund Distributions

Distribution Frequency: Quarterly
Ex-Date Record Date Payable Date STCG LTCG Return of Capital Qualified Dividend Ordinary Income Income Total Section 19a
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Document Name Date Document Category Document Type Download
RiverFront Asset Allocation Growth & Income Fact Sheet 06/30/2024 Literature Fact Sheet
Mutual Fund and VIT Offerings 06/30/2024 Literature Fund List
RiverFront Asset Allocation Growth & Income Proxy Voting Record 06/30/2024 Regulatory Proxy Voting Record
Financial Investors Trust Semi-Annual Report 04/30/2024 Regulatory Semi-Annual Report
Financial Investors Trust Statement of Additional Information 02/28/2024 Regulatory Statement of Additional Information
Financial Investors Trust Statutory Prospectus 02/28/2024 Regulatory Statutory Prospectus
RiverFront Asset Allocation Growth & Income Summary Prospectus 02/28/2024 Regulatory Summary Prospectus
Financial Investors Trust 1st Fiscal Quarter Holdings 01/31/2024 Regulatory 1st Fiscal Quarter Holdings
2023 Year-End Distribution Estimates 10/31/2023 Tax Distribution Estimate
Financial Investors Trust Annual Report 10/31/2023 Regulatory Annual Report
Financial Investors Trust 3rd Fiscal Quarter Holdings 07/31/2023 Regulatory 3rd Fiscal Quarter Holdings
RiverFront Asset Allocation Growth & Income Proxy Statement - December 17, 2021 12/17/2021 Regulatory Proxy Statement
RiverFront Asset Allocation Growth & Income IRS Form 8937 - October 31, 2021 10/31/2021 Tax IRS Form 8937

Fund Disclosure

The performance of the Fund relative to its benchmark will depend largely on the decisions of the RiverFront Investment Group, LLC (the “Sub-Adviser” or “RiverFront”) as to strategic asset allocation and tactical adjustments made to the asset allocation. At times, RiverFront’s judgments as to the asset classes in which the Fund should invest may prove to be wrong, as some asset classes may perform worse than others or fixed income markets generally from time to time or for extended periods of time. The performance of the Fund is related to the market sectors that RiverFront may choose to emphasize or deemphasize from time to time, as well as to the individual securities selected by RiverFront within those sectors. The investment returns for particular market sectors will fluctuate and may be lower than other sectors. In addition, the individual securities chosen for investment within a particular sector may underperform other securities within that same sector. Certain bonds selected for the Fund’s portfolio may decline in value more than the overall bond markets.

The value of the Fund’s investments in fixed-income securities will generally decrease when interest rates rise, which means the Fund’s NAV will likewise decrease. 

The Fund is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Morningstar, Inc. or any of its affiliates (all such entities, collectively, “Morningstar Entities”). The Morningstar Entities make no representation or warranty, express or implied, to the owners of the Fund or any member of the public regarding the advisability of investing in mutual funds generally or in the Fund in particular or the ability of the Morningstar Index Data to track general mutual fund market performance.


ALPS Advisors, Inc. and RiverFront Investment Group, LLC, registered investment advisers with the SEC, are the investment adviser and sub-adviser to the Fund, respectively. ALPS Advisors, Inc. and ALPS Portfolio Solutions Distributor, Inc., affiliated entities, are unaffiliated with RiverFront Investment Group, LLC.

ALPS Portfolio Solutions Distributor, Inc. is the distributor for the Fund.